Monday, January 25, 2016

Team Bonding, Twister Style

Hola amigos,

Just a quick update, yesterday January 24th, we had our first group meeting of the semester!  The meeting started out with a fun game of Twister en Espanol and azul cupcakes provided by student leader Linden! Five of our group members also shared information on their research topic; we heard about typical food in Merida, United States and Mexico relations, women in STEM, The Mission Of Friendship and the Mexican healthcare system.  We also got our flight information and expanded on details of the exciting journey we will be embarking on in just about a month.

Thanks for stopping by the Merida, Mexico ABST blog page, as a reward for your loyalty, here are some hilarious pictures of our group playing Twister en Espanol! :)

Muchos gracias y dios los bendiga!