Monday, February 29, 2016

Mucho Burbujas!

Happy Monday!

Our day started at the daycare with mucho burbujas (a.k.a bubbles), sidewalk chalk, bouncy balls, and laughter from the playground.  The children were excited to see us and spend time with us.  It is custom in Yucatecan culture to greet one another with a kiss on the cheek and a hug.  Imagine all of the hugs and kisses we received.  After greeting the children we spent time playing games then ventured back to the playground.  If you’ve ever seen Toy Story 3, imagine the BAD ROOM………with screaming children, heads flying off of toys, lots of crying, toys flying everywhere, and the Gannon group standing in the corner not knowing what to do.  That was basically our morning in a nutshell.  Just kidding, it was a wonderful experience interacting with the children and they were quite the opposite of the room in Toy Story 3.  They all enjoyed our company, whether it was pushing the children on the swings, or just simply sitting with them in the sand.  We spent the morning sharing lots of laughs.

After we left the daycare we headed to Nueva Vida, which is an after school program for girls in the local area.  We were greeted with more hugs and kisses and they welcomed us in for lunch.  After lunch the girls had the chance to show off their English skills by pronouncing our names and counting.  The Gannon group brought along a parachute and we headed off to the park to try it out with the girls.  It was a big hit.  After the parachute games we headed back to the mission and spent the rest of the evening getting to know the girls and spending quality time with them.  We said our goodbyes, but we are looking forward to seeing them again on Wednesday. 

The highlight of the day was seeing the look on the children’s faces when playing with them and being able to experience the Yucatecan life through them.  We have a big week ahead of us and we will keep you posted.  Buenos noches! (Goodnight!)
Love Mallory & Linden

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