Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mexico 2014, forever changed!

Hola amigos! Linden Lester here to fill you in a little bit about my personal experience in Mexico last week. 
I went to Guatemala last year on an ABST, but this was a whole new experience for me. I truly am so blessed by this experience and wouldn't trade it for the world. I can sum up my experience in Mexico in two simple ways, a quote and a picture.  

First the quote 

"What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficult for each other!"

This quote was hanging on the wall in the mission house and I noticed it one of the first few days we were there.  I jotted it down in my journal and kept referring back to it throughout the week.  Coming back home I am trying to adopt that quote as my new motto for life.  For me personally I am happiest when serving others and giving myself to those in need.  Last year when I went to Guatemala I made the decision to major in education because that is a way for me to serve others everyday of my career. Teachers go out of their way to help their students and do whatever they need.  Being in Mexico has really reassured that fact for me and made me realize how happy I am to be majoring in education and have the opportunity to serve others on a daily basis in my career.  Even though it may only be a simple quote it has impacted my life in a major way.

Secondly the picture 

The little girl in front of me on the slide is one of the main reasons this trip was such a life changing experience for me.  Her name is Maria and she is eight years old.  From the minute we arrived at Nueva Vida (the after school program for girls run by the mission) her and I just connected on a very special level.  We played tag, ate together, went down the slide, and were just silly.  There may have been a language barrier between us, but that did not stop the fun from happening or from a friendship growing.  We found our ways of communicating and the language wasn't even an issue.  This little girl may only be eight, but I have learned so much from her.  The love, compassion, and generosity that Maria and all the girls at Nueva Vida have is indescribable.  All the girls and staff at Nueva Vida are a family and it is amazing how much they care for each other. These little girls have showed me that I really need to bring that compassion back to the states with me.  Yes there are lots of nice people here, but there are also some that are not quite as nice.  I think we all need to start living everyday to the fullest, have no regrets, and fill our lives with as much love, compassion, and generosity as possible and we would be much happier with our lives.  I truly am going to miss Maria and all the girls at Nueva Vida.

Being an education major I obviously love kids and love spending time with them. So being able to interact with these girls was an amazing experience for me.  It made me realize that I am truly happiest when I am either serving others or working with kids, and if I can combine them and do them together then it's even better.  This trip has made me realize that I want to be able to serve others as much as possible.  And it's also reassured the fact that after I graduate I want to be able to use my education degree to go abroad and serve and help kids as much as I possibly can.

Finally I have one tip of advice for everyone.  Go on a service trip at some point in your life.  It really will change your outlook and perspective on life.  Also just live life to the fullest and be filled with love and compassion. Peace!

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