Friday, January 3, 2014

Getting to Know ABST Mexico: Randy Clapp

Querida familia y amigos-

Hoping everyone is well and that the holidays and snow are agreeing with you! 

For our next group member spotlight we'd like to introduce your to our only freshman boy, Mr. RANDY CLAPP. 

Randy is a Biology major with a passion for healthcare and a good read! 

Keep scrolling to learn more about Randy! 

Q: Why Mexico? 

A:  I was excited to see what healthcare is like in other countries and in the opening presentation about mexico it said that we would be working with underprivileged youth at a clinic

Q: What is one thing you'd like to learn more about before venturing to Mexico? 

A: The politics and ways to improve the living conditions of individuals in the country. 

Q: What do you consider words to live by?

A: By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
Benjamin Franklin

Q: If there were ten more hours in a day, what would you do?

A:  Get in better shape and read more. 

Q: If you were stranded on a desert island with only one object, what would you want that object to be? 

A: A good book. 

Q: What is something you find interesting about yourself? 

A: I don't like cake. 

Q: What is one of your personal attributes that you feel will contribute to the positive growth/outcome of the trip?

A: My work ethic. 

Q: What is your dream job? 

A:  A Senator or Political official who can make a difference. 

Q: What food item do you believe Wegman's should always include in their buffet? 

A: Ham. 

Q: What inspires you? 

A: My family. 

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