Merida Post Trip
Reflection by Christopher Beran
I had not been
planning on accompanying any of the ABST trips this school year. I certainly
never thought that I would be in Merida, Mexico at any point this entire year.
I thought I was going to just be in Erie, PA during Spring Break working on my
tax return, catching up on some sleep, getting some things ready ahead of time
for the rest of the semester, etc. Instead, with about 72 hours’ notice, I was
preparing to travel internationally with a group of 9 other people of whom I
knew only one person prior and hoping and praying that the Spanish I had
studied for six weeks there in Mexico back in 2010 would return. I got to know
8 new people rather quickly, the Spanish returned a bit, and I had a fantastic
week helping at the Mission of Friendship. And it is certainly friendship,
generosity, and human connection that I came to understand deeper and truly
experience throughout the week.
To have a
connection with another human being, I realized you don’t necessarily need to
speak the same language. Heck, you can act and imitate another species being
completely silly and actually make the biggest connections that way, especially
when it comes to kids. I think I will be remembered for a long time at the
Nueva Vida school as “Mono”, the monkey from Gannon. I realized that spending only a mere couple of
hours with someone can leave a lasting impact. I realized more that real
connections happen when you are willing to give of yourself and freely receive
from another. I realized that real connections happen when we have a
vulnerability and love much like a little child who with little prior
interaction just comes up to you and sits on your lap. I came to see more fully
that the joy, love, vulnerability, and unconditional acceptance that a child
has is what the Lord wants us to have with Him and one another.
“Jesus called them to him, saying, ‘Let the children come to
me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I
say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not
enter it.’” – Luke 18:16-17
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