Monday, March 14, 2016

Final Merida Reflection - Ashley Lawson

Now that I’ve been home for a week, I’ve had some time to step back, catch my breath, and reflect on an amazing experience and here’s what I’ve learned…
I am so blessed. Sometimes, I can’t believe that these experiences are actually a part of my job. Seriously – how did I get so lucky? I love getting to know students who I might not otherwise get to meet, exploring the world, making new friends, and using my talents to help others. Honestly, being an ABST accompanier is one of my favorite roles that I play on Gannon’s campus. Helping students expand their comfort zones and learn about the world comes easily to me and I’m so grateful for these opportunities.
A long time ago (after I finished my undergrad) I moved abroad for a year to teach English and a mentor once told me “a smile translates between all languages.” I’ve never forgotten this and I love seeing it in action. 
Thanks Team Merida for an awesome adventure – thank you for your smiles and for spreading them throughout the Yucatan. I will never forget the people we met, the places we visited, the friends we made, and the students with whom I’ve shared these experiences. #adulting

Te amo Mérida y realmente espero que nos encontremos de nuevo pronto!

Hasta luego,

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